A chat with Cate Linden

Upgrading to favourites

Cate & Jorunn chat about capsule wardrobes

I want you to meet Cate Linden, a dear colleague of mine in Louisville, Kentucky, who is both a sciART colour analyst and image consultant.

Cate and I have been in touch ever since we met at a colour analyst meeting in New York many years ago, and I always appreciate communicating with her. We share the same mindset about keeping things simple, and I always come out of a conversation with Cate feeling inspired.

For a long time, Cate and I have played with the idea of just recording one of our conversations, and we’re hoping that you’ll feel as inspired as we do from it.

So here it is, a chat based on questions that we came up with for each other. 

The topic is capsule wardrobes.

At least that's what we started out wanting to chat about, but we touched on a few other issues as well, you know, as one does…

Bring a cup of tea as you sit down to watch, it’s quite a long conversation. I’ve edited out nothing, except a couple of places where I had a coughing fit! 

So this is the real, raw, and unadulterated conversation. 

Nothing really happens on the screen other than the two of us chatting, so feel free to just listen to it as a recording if you get tired of watching.

Click to play

Here’s the timeline if you want to skip straight to one of the questions:

01:09 Cate introduces herself

02:36 What is your approach to making your own capsule wardrobe?

09:04 What about when your weight fluctuates?

09:25 How to do a capsule wardrobe if your weight fluctuates a lot

13:15 An excellent tip from Cate about how to buy clothes that accommodates weight fluctuation

14:31 What keeps us from wearing our favourites?

25:08 A long, three-part question:

     1. What is your reason, your “why you do” capsule wardrobes?

     2. How do you stay out of stores?

     3. When do you know that it’s time to get something new?

32:05 What do you do when you’re sick and tired of what you have in your wardrobe?

38:39 What’s your favourite accessory, and favourite piece of clothing?

You can find Cate at catelinden.com

About the author, Jorunn Hernes

Jorunn is a Certified Personal Colour Analyst, founder of Nordic Simplicity and Scandinavian Style Academy™, the fresh, simple, Scandinavian approach to getting dressed. Jorunn will avoid social settings with more than three people but can be lured out with snacks and the promise to talk about books.

  • I really enjoyed your conversation with Cate, especially how you both shared feelings about “deserving to wear” and “wearing out” favorites, sensory overload, and sensitivity to fabrics and tags in garments (😶‍🌫️). I am always amazed at how hard we can be on ourselves when it comes getting dressed. An approach I find helpful comes from the idea of self healing: I sometimes talk to my “inner child” like a kind Fairy Godmother and give myself permission to use my favorites, affirming that I do deserve them, right now 💕

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