Preparing for colour analysis

So you've booked a Personal Colour Analysis

And you're happy and full of joyful anticipation. Because finally you're going to find out what season you are, and get started on more mindful shopping and building a wardrobe that supports your natural colours.

But you're also a little nervous.

Because you don't really know exactly what happens during a personal colour analysis, and you're dying to know, so that you can get the most out of it.

Here's what you can do while you're waiting for the day of your appointment:

Sign up for my emails (scroll down to the footer and sign up). They are full of content about colour and style. And when you know your season, sign up for my Hello Season! Emails, to get curated content specifically for your season.

Read Christine Scaman's book Return To Your Natural Colours. It is the best book I know on the topic, and I still reread it from time to time, and always find new insight every time I do.

Read Preparing for Your Colour Analysis on the Chrysalis Colour website.

The dos and don'ts of Personal Colour Analysis


Keep an open mind. It's really useful to leave your preconceived notions at home. Your colour analyst is trained to keep an open mind and not call your season before you have gone through all the steps.

Bring a list of reasons why you booked a colour analysis. Is it because you have a new job? Because you have lost the love of your life and need to see yourself in a different light? Do you need to look great for an upcoming wedding? It will be useful to know.

Read up on colour analysis, in order to familiarise yourself with the concepts and terminology used.

Keep in touch with your colour analyst after the PCA, whether you are happy with your season or if you have questions or concerns.

Expect to be blown away by your own beauty.


Expect to get this quickly done. A PCA session typically takes between two and three hours.

Wear any makeup when you come to the appointment. We need to see you barefaced, and preferably without sunscreen too. 

Expect the PCA to be an instant fix. It takes time to get familiar with the essence of your season, and it takes time to fine-tune your wardrobe accordingly.

Worry about what season you are. Chances are, you will recognise lots of aspects of it and greet it like a long lost friend. 

Let other people tell you what you should or shouldn't be like. Most likely, they are voicing their own longings and fears. 

About the author, Jorunn Hernes

Jorunn is a Certified Personal Colour Analyst, founder of Nordic Simplicity and Scandinavian Style Academy™, the fresh, simple, Scandinavian approach to getting dressed. Jorunn will avoid social settings with more than three people but can be lured out with snacks and the promise to talk about books.

  • Unfortunately, it is now impossible to get hold of Christine’s book, unless you live in the USA or Canada, which is such a shame!

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