Pros and Cons of Personal Colour Analysis

If you have made it this far into the blog, it means that you are more than moderately interested in Personal Colour Analysis, or PCA. 

This short blog post is really just about finding out if PCA is worth your time or not:

Pros and cons of colour analysis

Is it worth it for you?

Do book a colour analysis if:

  • You are more interested in authentic appearance than fashion
  • You appreciate the power of limitation
  • You want to look radiant with a minimal amount of makeup
  • You prefer to get more use out of fewer clothes

Don't bother with it if:

  • You want to have fun with all the trend colours without limitations
  • You want to pick and choose from all kinds of colours all the time
  • You don’t mind if a colour makes you look dull and tired, you just adjust with more makeup
  • You have unlimited closet space


It's important to remember that the PCA consultant doesn't give you a season. You are a season. Colour analysis just helps you discover it.

And your colour tone is your own.

You interpret it, you own it, you grow with it.

There are many different types of colour analysis. Most contemporary colour analysis systems operate with four to 12 different "seasons" or "colour tones", divided into cool seasons, warm seasons, and neutral seasons. 

The PCA system I work with is the Sci/Art 12 tone system, derived from the Munsell colour theory. That sounds terribly technical and boring, I know, but it really isn't.

About the author, Jorunn Hernes

Jorunn is a Certified Personal Colour Analyst, founder of Nordic Simplicity and Scandinavian Style Academy™, the fresh, simple, Scandinavian approach to getting dressed. Jorunn will avoid social settings with more than three people but can be lured out with snacks and the promise to talk about books.

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