Look Like You Invented The Word Chic
Using the Fresh, Simple, Scandinavian Approach to Getting Dressed!
Find and develop your personal style with effortless Scandinavian sophistication, rock your life, and build a wardrobe that does not include an invisibility cape.

Does any of this describe you?
(check all that apply)
"Thank you for a thought provoking, practical and very, very useful course. Your methodical approach made me address my needs and likes in a practical and purposeful way and has changed the way I approach my wardrobe, how outfits are planned rather than just happen and how I intend to shop in the future. And I enjoyed the whole experience."
"Hi Jorunn, I'm having a blast with your course. The lessons are confirming and reinforcing some of my intuitive color and design choices as well as helping me expand my thinking about my life today versus fashion decisions I made in the past when my daily life was radically different.
I've also begun exploring my creativity in new ways through websites like Pinterest, Etsy and other idea playgrounds that spark my imagination.
Consider me a Number One Fan!"
"Those are really beautiful examples that show just how much you can do with some solid choices and the interesting additions :-)"
Don’t cull your wardrobe. Transform it!
Wardrobe culling, capsule wardrobe and closet cleanouts have been the buzzword for a decade. Initially, it was a big success because it addressed the big issue that we are all facing: We. Need. To. Consume. Less. We need to start living in our clothes instead of consuming them.
"Hello Jorunn, I just started the course. I decided I would be a good girl and follow your instructions. I am glad I went to the trouble. It made filling out the worksheet easy. It also helped me see what I like and see outfits from the past that reflect what I want to portray."
"I am glad I decided to do the course. Do you know what persuaded me? You mentioning the collages in your Q&A. I find your collages really suit my tastes."
We’ve all (probably) tried it. And failed.
If you’ve had a meticulously maintained 10-item wardrobe since June 1994, you probably can’t relate to this, but if you’ve tried and failed until the hangers rattle with resentment every time you open your closet, then you’ll understand that something about this didn’t work for you. Take it from me, you’re not alone. And it’s not you. It’s your clothes.
And the uncomfortable feeling of failure has crept up on you like thong undies, as steady streams of influencers with their perfectly curated mini-wardrobes have been sparking their joy and flaunting their wardrobes all over Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
Not that I know what’s been going on in TikTok. I just threw that in there because I’ve heard it’s supposed to be cool.
And why are you still struggling?
Fact number one. Because you’ve started in the wrong end. It’s impossible to create and maintain a small wardrobe that you’re happy with when you haven’t got a clear idea of who you are and how to dress for that.
Fact number two. When faced with a set number of items we all turn into tantrum-throwing, kick-screaming two-year olds. We rebel.
It’s time to look at your wardrobe from a different angle, with a fresh, simple, Scandinavian approach.
Because you still long for dressing smartly, and not to end up looking like aunt Gladys on the way to her 14th cruise, just because you’ve retired.
Because you still wish to be visible after 50.
Because to land that interview for the dream job, you need a wardrobe that feels like adding vanilla ice cream to Coca-Cola, not one that makes you feel like the can of opened orange pop that was forgotten in the car after the picnic.
And you can put the fizz back into dressing!
But it doesn’t have to start by culling your wardrobe. It can start from a completely different angle.
Introducing Scandinavian Style Academy™
"Jorunn - this lesson has been the most important one I've done so far. This worksheet sheet really opened my eyes! I suddenly saw the closet space consumed by my previous life and, when I tried on some of the clothes from that time I felt like my light was literally dimming."
"Jorunn, I now have a better idea of what I need and a wardrobe that is missing pieces. I signed up for your course because your courses are so beautifully designed.
Your examples, as usual, were beautifully done. But the style types felt very Nordic—undoubtedly your point— and interesting to a non-Nordic person.
I wanted to mention your class regarding silhouettes. This was outstanding—clear and simple."
Know your true style, with the Scandinavian Style Formula to guide you.
What you wear is a spot-on barometer of how you view yourself and your life. If you want to turn your life around, start with your wardrobe. And through getting to know your true style, you get a clear idea of how to create the perfect wardrobe for you.
Dress for the change you want to happen in your life.
Dressing well has been scientifically proven to increase your chances of getting hired (George Brescia). After this program, you’ll know exactly how to put together outfits with just the right amount of personality to set you apart.
Get ready for the next chapter in your life by writing it yourself, using clothes and accessories instead of pen and paper.
Quit saving the good stuff for the right occasion.
WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) reports that the average adult in the UK has 118 items of clothing in their wardrobe. Furthermore, in the UK, the average person only wears two-thirds of their clothes, the rest is relegated to the back of the closet.
The reasons people give for not using the clothes, besides the ever popular “saving it for a special occasion”, is that they don’t fit properly. The third reason cited is that the items not worn are not their favourites.
Wear your favourite clothes every day.
Imagine a wardrobe with only items that fit beautifully and that only consists of your favourites. How much more enjoyable will it be to dress in the morning? You’ll find something nice to wear in a matter of seconds!
"Thank you for the nudge. I found it very difficult to start. Now the floodgates have opened and I am a little shocked by how deeply I really feel about style and color. I foresee many many more boards for the future. A huge AHA moment was understanding that my style is now and has always been about mixing the masculine with the feminine. In fashion/ style, and in person (and personality). Looking forward to the next step on the course,"
The secret? The Scandinavian Style System
With this program, you’ll use the uniquely Scandinavian combination of refinement and practicality, creating outfits to make you look like you’re about to take over the company instead of ready to resign from it.
The secret is the fail-proof Scandinavian Style System, including the Scandinavian Simplicity Wardrobe Formula.
After applying the Scandinavian Style Formula to your wardrobe, it will consist of 100% favourite clothes.
There is no set number of clothing involved.
Scandinavian Style Academy is chemically free of pressuring you to own one crisp, white shirt.
There is no membership in a Facebook group, scheduled webinars or online community to distract you.
Included in the system is a series of follow-up accountability emails from me, that keep you on track and follow you every step of the way.
What you get when you enroll in Scandinavian Style Academy™
What you do NOT get
"I think you made the whole course very entertaining and fun, without losing the focus on a great and sustainable result! I loved the ”pro tips” boxes you have inserted. Also the video about your own wardrobe and the ”formula”. That somehow made it clear for me to visualize and seemed like a very simple and easy way to approach and create a curated wardrobe for my life."
"I also love how you have picked the best parts of the information and tips that are available out there. And made it into your own words and laid out your own experience and formula about it."
"This course was a very eyeopening experience for me. Even if I had gone through the previous one too. I really saw clearly, how tangled up I was in a ”fantasy life” and ”fantasy self” that was lurking behind the reason why I am never satisfied with my wardrobe."
"I also found it important to not rush through the course and go for the stake too swiftly. This is my tendency in many things. impulsive is maybe a better description. When I take my time, slowly marinating and checking in, I get a better result and a clearer picture."
Scandinavian Style Academy™ works.
Here’s how.
Scandinavian Style Academy is organized as a series of lessons with accompanying worksheets (where applicable).
The lessons are fun, easy to implement and include collages and illustrations.
The course is drip-delivered to you, to not overwhelm you and to make sure you get time to do the work between each assignment.
You’ll get a series of follow-up emails, coordinated with the release of content, to keep you accountable and help you follow through and complete the course.
"Hello Jorunn, Yesterday I did the lesson on putting outfits together using color. The Trifecta of Taste, is just the missing piece I have been needing. It has been suggested to me that I add more color to my outfits, but until now I haven't known how to do that in a tasteful way. I am pausing my reading/studying of the lessons until I can practice using these suggestions."
About Jorunn
Personal Colour Analyst based in Fitjar & Oslo, Norway, and occasionally London, UK
Founder of Nordic Simplicity and Scandinavian Style Academy™
Co-host with Christine Scaman at the Chrysalis Colour Analysis Podcast
Jorunn has a Samoyed called Nanuk, a sourdough named Sébastien, and will avoid social settings with more than three people but can be lured out with snacks and the promise to talk about books.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to know my Season?
No, absolutely not. This course is about finding your Scandinavian style, taking control of the way you dress and making a wardrobe that makes you memorable, and you don't have to know your season to benefit from the course!
Will the course content be outdated?
Knowing how to plan your wardrobe is evergreen and independent of fashion and trends, so what you learn is timeless and you'll be able to use the system no matter what the current fashion is or what is available in the shops.
How will I use the course?
I suggest slowly, and with paper, pen, and copious amounts of tea. The course has lots of worksheets, and they're called WORKsheets for a reason. Doing the exercises will make all the difference. AND I will be sending you emails at regular intervals, nudging you along and encouraging you to share your progress in the comment sections.
Can I go back and review the course anytime, at my own speed?
The course that will be available for you for as long as it exists. Once you’ve purchased it and have gone through the content bundles as they are released, you can go back to it again at your own speed, and you can return to it whenever and as many times as you wish and refer to it whenever you want to renew your wardrobe and want some inspiration.
Do I have to get a sled dog and a knitted hat?
Of course not. I chose that picture of myself to show you that I'm a real person and my wardrobe reflects the kind of life I lead. You will be able to tailor your wardrobe to your style and your life, whether you're living a city life, or in the back of beyond like I do.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 Days
If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with the friendly support team and we'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.
"Hi Jorunn, I like the Scandinavian Style Types, they respect Kibbe and Kitchener and I would say they have more real world, or maybe real person practically. I know people with these styles, and I can recognize them in the 2020's - they aren't dated. I'm enjoying your course and delving into Pinterest style-dreaming, I named my new board Jorunn's Playground since you provided the inspiration, thank you!"