Discover Easy Style with Nordic Simplicity.

In Scandinavia, we believe in practical clothing and informal, effortless style. Nordic simplicity doesn't necessarily mean dressing like a fisherman. Nor does it mean wearing only home woven fabrics and birch bark shoes. it means embracing the sensible simplicity of the Nordic lifestyle. A lifestyle of hygge* and casual gatherings, friluftsliv** and fresh outdoor living, packed lunches and a walk in the woods. A style created for who we are, not pressing who we are into a certain style.

*Hygge means enjoying comfort and cozy living inside, with candles, fireplace, quietly enjoying good company and comfy clothing

** Friluftsliv means enjoying life outside, enjoying fresh air and dressing for whatever weather conditions there are, wearing warm practical clothing and shoes, and looking forward to some hygge when we return inside

When you use color and style with Nordic simplicity you become:


Putting together outfits is quickly done


You own fewer clothes but they're really good quality


You don't have to think about fashion


You smile when you open your wardrobe

Below are the most important articles I have published, to help you understand personal color analysis, get the most out of your colors, and use color and style to express yourself.

And check out my Basic Course about creating capsule wardrobes that fit your personality, style and life style.

Style and Wardrobe

Here are some articles aimed at helping you build a sensible and sustainable wardrobe, with Nordic simplicity.

Knitting And Your Season
Bright Winter Inspiration
Soft Summer Inspiration
True Spring capsule wardrobe
3 reasons to wear lipstick
My capsule wardrobe
FAQ about capsule wardrobe
Blazer styled five ways
Bright Spring capsule wardrobe
That one item you should bring
Jorunn Hernes - personal colour analysis consultant

Style is where your personality and lifestyle meets.

I'll teach you to dress with Nordic Simplicity

even if you don't know how to pronounce the word "hygge"!

I call my approach Colour and Style with Nordic Simplicity because being Norwegian, I want to share an understated, soft spoken, quiet and simple way of living.

And that includes the way you use colour, how you build your wardrobe and how you put together outfits.

Nordic Simplicity Logo

Dress with Scandinavian finesse in just 3 minutes a day

For people who feel that the word “stylish” and their name could never be used in the same sentence, this NEW 2-week email series will help you unravel the mystery of dressing with subtle sophistication without turning into a fashion fox. It’s 100% FREE – you’ll be quietly fabulous before you know it!

From Personal Colour Analyst and Wardrobe Enthusiast Jorunn Hernes.
Unsubscribe anytime.
